Spring 2024 CAMCA Fellows Complete Program

The 28th group of Fellows from Central Asia, Mongolia, the Caucasus and Afghanistan completed a six-week program of high-level meetings and research in Washington, D.C. from March 19th to April 25th, 2024.

Download the full Spring 2024 Fellowship Report here: Spring 2024 CAMCA Fellowship Report

Review the Spring 2024 Fellows Photo Album.

Fellows meeting with Tina Khidasheli, former Minister of Defense of Georgia and Colonel (Ret.) Robert E. Hamilton, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Eurasian Studies at the U.S. Army War College and Black Sea Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute

Fellows meeting with Max Stier, President and CEO, Partnership for Public Service

Fellows meeting with Andrew Mitcha, Director and Senior Fellow, Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, Atlantic Council

Fellows meeting with Tommy White, Senior Professorial Lecturer, Director, Veloric Center for Entrepreneurship, Kogod School of Business, American University


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