Rumsfeld Foundation Hosts 10th Annual Graduate Fellowship Conference

Washington, D.C. – The Rumsfeld Foundation was pleased to host its annual Graduate Fellowship Conference in Washington, D.C. last month over September 22nd-23rd. The annual conference is the program’s largest event of the year, bringing together current Fellows, Fellowship alumni and program Advisers from across the country.

The 2022 Conference marked a notable milestone as the 10th anniversary of this flagship gathering. Over the past decade, this annual convening has served as an opportunity for network members to build fruitful relationships, discuss important issues of the day, seek mentorship and guidance, and to feel connected to the call to service.

Conference events began Thursday afternoon with a private tour of the Pentagon followed by a Welcoming Reception where Fellowship alumni and Advisers had the opportunity to reconnect with their colleagues and to meet members of the new 2022-23 Fellowship cohort.

Formal conference sessions began Friday morning with welcoming remarks from Sarah Tonucci, Executive Director; Victoria Clarke, Board President; and Dr. Gabriel Scheinmann, representing the program’s Alumni Leadership Council, who reflected on the network’s growth and development.

To follow, Dr. Scheinmann sat down with Major General (U.S. Army ret.) Spider Marks, Founder and President of The Marks Collaborative, for a keynote conversation on leadership and current foreign policy challenges.

After the keynote conversation, attendees participated in interactive roundtables led by Fellowship Network members with relevant experience and expertise. Sessions covered a range of topics including policy-oriented discussions - “Effectively Engaging Fragile States” and “America’s Long-term Strategic Posture” - as well as practical advice - “Navigating a Career in Congress” and “How to Get Published.”

Following lunch, attendees participated in a “Building Network Connections” session which facilitated the deepening of sector-based connections.

In the afternoon, attendees heard from an “Alumni Perspectives” panel which showcased a diverse and impressive group of experienced Fellowship alumni employed in a variety of public service roles and fields. Panelists shared their insights and leadership lessons learned from throughout their unique career paths.

Lastly, a final speaker series gave attendees the chance to discuss timely topics such as disinformation, the future of U.S. intelligence and defense, and U.S.-China relations with several subject-matter experts.

The conference concluded with a formal reception and dinner at a historic club in Georgetown which included a special presentation of the inaugural Alumni of the Year Award. Guests enjoyed learning about the notable public service contributions of the 2022 awardee, Ms. Stephanie Koeshall, Director of Homeland Defense and Resiliency, within Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs, in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy and former Missouri State University Fellow (more information on our 2022 awardee can be found in our latest blog.) Foundation leadership thanked attendees for participating in the conference and applauded their continued engagement with the network as well as their commitment to service.

Through the Graduate Fellowship Program the Foundation has provided more than $3.8 million in grants to 191 graduate scholars with an interest in public service and hosted over 50 events for the Fellowship Network since 2008.



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