CAMCA Fellowship Program


We bring exceptional rising leaders from Central Asia, Mongolia, the Caucasus and Afghanistan (CAMCA) to the U.S. for a high-level, intensive exchange experience designed to forge enduring personal and professional connections among its participants. The Fellowship aims to encourage intraregional cooperation among the program countries as well as to foster stronger relations between the U.S. and the CAMCA region, and serves as a starting point for continued collaboration among the innovative regional leaders that comprise its alumni network.


Click each country below to learn more

  • Afghanistan
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyz Republic
  • Mongolia
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan


Each spring and fall, 10 applicants are selected to participate in the 5-week Fellowship Program. The CAMCA Fellowship consists of a series of high-level meetings with top policy-makers, journalists, academics, military personnel, business leaders, non-governmental organizations and regional experts through which Fellows are exposed to inside perspectives on how the public and private sectors work in the U.S. The program also incorporates opportunities for professional development and networking. As an additional part of the Fellowship, participants spend one week traveling to two major U.S. cities for meetings with local businesses and government representatives in order to gain insights into the United States beyond the nation's capital. In the final weeks of the program, Fellows collaborate on and deliver a group presentation on a topic of their choice at a Central Asia-Caucasus Institute public forum, which serves as a platform for the Fellows to present their thoughts and engage with representatives from locally-based embassies, companies, universities, media outlets and others interested in the region. After completing the Fellowship, alumni are encouraged to remain actively involved as members of the CAMCA Network.


The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program is a Joint Transatlantic Research and Policy Center, affiliated with the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington D.C., and the Institute for Security and Development Policy in Stockholm. 




Network Leadership

The alumni from each of the ten countries annually select a National Coordinator, a representative whose role is to organize alumni meetings and activities within their country. Each National Coordinator also serves on the Board of the CAMCA Network. Board members are responsible for guiding the Network’s broader regional agenda and initiatives. View the CAMCA Network Board members here.

Annual Meetings

After five years of successful Fellowship sessions, in 2012 the Foundation began hosting yearly alumni gatherings in the region. Since 2014, these annual CAMCA Network meetings have taken place alongside the CAMCA Regional Forum.

CAMCA Regional Forum

The CAMCA (Central Asia-Mongolia-Caucasus-Afghanistan) Regional Forum was established in 2014 by Fellowship alumni in collaboration with the Foundation and the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute to create a platform for the alumni to engage with a broader international audience invested in the future of the region. Read more about the CAMCA Forum.


  • “Being part of the program has given me a distinct sense of pride and belonging to a diverse group of leaders from the CAMCA region. These six intensive weeks of interacting with leading activists, experts and policy makers in the United States was a unique experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. The network is a powerful resource and capability multiplier, which enables each Fellow to set the narrative in our respective countries instead of catching up with it. Ultimately, the network is built on trust, competence and leadership, which are forged through the Fellowship Program.”
    Tajikistan Fellow, Fall 2019
  • “It is an intensive, fast-paced program that gives participants the unique opportunity to meet and network with outstanding people in the United States, as well as with future leaders of the CAMCA region, while at the same time helping you discover your own hidden potential.”
    Uzbekistan Fellow, Fall 2015
  • “This program is an excellent opportunity to understand the U.S. decision and policy-making processes through learning first-hand from officials who have been participating in these processes for decades. Our entire experience was perfectly organized and managed, and the time I spent during the program was an unforgettable experience. The most valuable and important asset of this program is becoming a part of the network of outstanding people from the CAMCA region.”
    Kazakhstan Fellow, Spring 2019
  • “The program encouraged me to think outside of myself, my country and the region. I was constantly inspired by outstanding people we met as well as the exceptional fellows that I shared all of these unique experiences with.”
    Azerbaijan Fellow, Spring 2013