Rumsfeld Foundation Hosts 12th Annual Graduate Fellowship Conference
OCT 01, 2024

Washington, D.C. – The Rumsfeld Foundation hosted its 12th annual Graduate Fellowship Conference in Washington, D.C. on September 12th-13th. As the Fellowship Program’s flagship event, the conference assembles its network from across the country including current 2024 Graduate Fellows, Fellowship alumni and program Advisers.

This year’s conference coincided with the start of the Graduate Fellowship Program’s 16th academic year supporting scholars pursuing graduate degrees at top higher education institutions throughout the United States. Illustrating the network’s growth and evolution over the years, the conference highlighted the expertise of Fellowship alumni as they led discussions on top policy issues, sector trends and professional development.

Conference events began Thursday afternoon with a private tour of the Pentagon and the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, followed by a rooftop Welcoming Reception where attendees caught up with one another amidst the scenic backdrop of downtown Washington, D.C.

Formal conference sessions began Friday morning at The Army Navy Club as Sarah Tonucci, Rumsfeld Foundation Executive Director; and Dr. Ben Judge, 2023 Graduate Fellowship Alumnus of the Year and Alumni Leadership Council member, welcomed participants as well as shared reflections on the program and Secretary Rumsfeld’s enduring impact.

After opening remarks, a “Sector Perspectives: Network Insights” panel featured experienced Fellows working in higher education, the non-profit sector, the Department of State and the Department of Defense. Panelists discussed the major trends, challenges and opportunities in their respective fields, as well as the necessary skills to excel within their sectors.

Attendees then participated in a series of collaborative roundtable discussions led by program Advisers and Fellows who presented their insights and expertise on the following subjects: the future of democracy in America, effective research and analysis in national security, and the development of U.S. tech policy.

After a sector-based networking luncheon, Amy Walter, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Cook Political Report and political analyst at PBS News Hour, delivered keynote remarks providing an analysis of the 2024 U.S. presidential election before taking questions from the audience.

Following an informative briefing by the Fellowship’s Alumni Leadership Council on program updates and opportunities for network engagement, the daytime sessions concluded with policy discussions led by expert speakers: Peter Garretson of the American Foreign Policy Council on space and national security; Dr. Mara Karlin formerly of the U.S. Department of Defense on writing and implementing a National Defense Strategy; and Luke Coffey of the Hudson Institute on Ukraine’s path forward and the future of NATO. Fellows enjoyed additional time for networking over coffee at the conclusion of the policy discussions.

Finally, attendees gathered for the conference’s closing reception and dinner, where Foundation leadership shared brief remarks expressing gratitude to all those who participated in the conference events. In addition, the 2024 Alumna of the Year Award was presented to Dr. Meg Reiss, founder and CEO of SolidIntel Inc. and Alumni Leadership Council member, for her important contributions in her previous service as a National Security Advisor in the U.S. Congress as well as her active engagement, leadership and mentorship in the Fellowship Network.

Through its Graduate Fellowship Program, the Rumsfeld Foundation has awarded more than $4 million in grants to over 200 graduate scholars with an interest in public service and hosted over 65 events for the Fellowship Network since 2008.



Sarah C. Tonucci
Executive Director, Rumsfeld Foundation
Tel: (202) 944-1304


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